Nov 1, 1997 · This paper studies the existence and continuity of centers of the monotone generalized complementarity problem associated with C and ℳ: Find (x, ...
(1) GCP: Find (x, y) E C x C* such that (x, y) E a and (x, y) = 0. This problem is also called a monotone complementarity problem associated with a con- vex ...
This paper studies the existence and continuity of centers of the monotone generalized complementarity problem associated with C and M and unifies and ...
CENTERS OF MONOTONE GENERALIZED COMPLEMENTARITY PROBLEMS. (4). M (Int C× E) ‡ Ш and Mn(C× Int C*) ‡ Ш. 971. Then: (i) For every μ0, the set MH(p) is the set of ...
This paper studies the existence and continuity of centers of the monotone generalized complementarity problem associated with C and M: Find x , y ∈ M ∩ C × C ...
This paper studies the existence and the continuity of centers of a monotone generalized complementarity problem over $C$ and $\FC$: Find an $(\x,\y) \in \FC \ ...
Centers of Monotone Generalized Complementarity Problems ; Stationary Index and Orientation of Equality Constrained Multiparametric Nonlinear Programs.
Complementarity problems provide generalized forms for nonlinear and/or linear programs and equilibrium problems. Among others, the monotone linear ...
<jats:p> Let C be a full dimensional, closed, pointed and convex cone in a finite dimensional real vector space ℰ with an inner product 〈x, y〉 of x, ...
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Shindoh, M. Kojima, ``Centers of Monotone Generalized Complementarity Problems'',Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 22, 969-976 (1997).