ABSTRACT. Serious Games are especially useful for training because they offer immersive and engaging environment where users 'learn by doing'.
Serious Games are especially useful for training because they offer immersive and engaging environment where users 'learn by doing'.
This article presents an ongoing project that was meant to design and develop a serious game that fosters the improvement of internationalization and ...
Serious Games are especially useful for training because they offer immersive and engaging environment where users 'learn by doing'.
Purpose: This study seeks to analyse students' perception of the effectiveness of business games as an e-learning method in management training. This analysis ...
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Far less research has been conducted on game-facilitating factors that lead to effective learning outcomes in a business game environment.
Game-based learning techniques leverage the psychological principles that drive human behavior, increasing employee engagement and commitment to the ...
Jan 3, 2023 · It's a fun way to learn and also allows new starters to work independently and at their own pace to learn new skills, without pressure from a ...
Oct 21, 2020 · A critical aspect of gamification is to feed talent (with up-to-date skills) to the manufacturing industry. The customizable nature of gaming ...
Sep 4, 2020 · This research addresses the lack of sufficient guidance to SMEs with regards to how BP-IT alignment can be achieved in an affordable and scalable manner.