The CpAug employs two policies: concatenation to merge utterances with identical labels, and substitution to replace segments in an anchor utterance. Besides, ...
The proposed CpAug method represents a refined augmentation specifically for anti-spoofing. ① Unlike the conventional copy-paste that only concatenates ...
Apr 19, 2024 · CPAUG: REFINING COPY-PASTE AUGMENTATION FOR SPEECH ANTI-SPOOFING. Linjuan Zhang, Taiyuan University of Technology, China; Kong Aik Lee, The ...
This paper presents our approach to unsupervised multi-speaker conversational speech segmentation. Speech segmentation is obtained in two steps that employ ...
ABSTRACT. Conventional copy-paste augmentations generate new train- ing instances by concatenating existing utterances to increase.
This paper refines the copy-paste augmentation for speech anti-spoofing, dubbed CpAug, to generate more training data with rich intra-class diversity. The CpAug ...
Apr 14, 2024 · Article on CPAUG: Refining Copy-Paste Augmentation for Speech Anti-Spoofing, published in on 2024-04-14 by Linjuan Zhang+4.
CpAug. Repo for CPAUG: REFINING COPY-PASTE AUGMENTATION FOR SPEECH ANTI-SPOOFING. Code (This repo. Will be released after cleaning it.) Augmented database ...
CPAUG: Refining Copy-Paste Augmentation for Speech Anti-Spoofing · Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering · The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Interspeech 2024, arXiv:2406.07816, 2024. 2024. CPAUG: Refining Copy-Paste Augmentation for Speech Anti-Spoofing. L Zhang, KA Lee, L Zhang, L Wang, B Niu.