CORAL's solvers have been designed to deal with mathematical constraints and their heuristics have been improved based on examples from the aerospace domain. This integration significantly broadens the application of Symbolic PathFinder at NASA and in industry.
CORAL's solvers have been designed to deal with mathematical constraints and their heuristics have been improved based on examples from the aerospace domain.
This paper reports the results of using the constraint solver CORAL to solve the complex mathematical constraints gener- ated with SPF. CORAL uses meta- ...
Abstract. Symbolic execution is a powerful automated technique for generating test cases. Its goal is to achieve high coverage of software.
Symbolic execution is a powerful automated technique for generating test cases. Its goal is to achieve high coverage of software.
Program analysis technique to generate test input data for achieving high path coverage. • Problem. – Inability of solvers to deal with complex constraints.
CorAL's heuristic solvers have been designed to deal with mathematical constraints and their heuristics have been improved based on examples from the ...
CORAL: Solving Complex Constraints for Symbolic PathFinder. NASA Formal Methods 2011: 359-374. a service of Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics.
CORAL's solvers have been designed to deal with mathematical constraints and their heuristics have been improved based on examples from the aerospace domain.
In previous work, we proposed the constraint solver CORAL [2], [3] for heuristically solving complex mathematical constraints. CORAL reduces the task of solving ...