Extensive studies have proposed various strategies for efficient frequent closed itemset mining, such as depth-first search vs. breadthfirst search, vertical ...
A thorough performance study on synthetic and real data sets has shown the advantages of the strategies and the improvement of CLOSET+ over ex- isting mining ...
Extensive studies have proposed various strategies for efficient frequent closed itemset mining, such as depth-first search vs. breadthfirst search, vertical ...
Mining the closed frequent patterns causes no loss of information, i.e., it misses no frequent patterns. Various algorithms have been developed for this purpose ...
A new algorithm for finding closed frequent item sets, which is an abridged and lossless demonstration of every frequent itemsets that able to mine from a ...
CLOSET+:Searching for the Best Strategies for. Mining Frequent Closed Itemsets. Jianyong Wang, Jiawei Han, Jian Pei. Presentation by: Nasimeh Asgarian.
Extensive studies have proposed various strategies for efficient frequent closed itemset mining, such as depth-first search vs. breadthfirst search, vertical ...
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Good Strategies · Frequent Closed Itemsets · High Performance · Tree Structure · Data Mining Techniques · Search Strategy · Performance Studies · Effective Strategies ...
In this paper, we propose a complete solution based on CLOSET+ algorithm to closed itemset mining in data streams. In data streams, bounded memory and one-pass ...
Closet+: Searching for the best strategies for mining frequent closed itemsets. In SIGKDD '03, August 2003. 4. Claudio Lucchese, Salvatore Orlando, Raffaele ...