This paper outlines the ongoing effort of creating the first treebank for Occitan, a low-ressourced regional language spoken mainly in the south of France. We ...
May 11, 2020 · This paper outlines an ongoing effort to create the first treebank for Occitan, a low-resourced regional language spoken mainly in the south of ...
This paper outlines an ongoing effort to create the first treebank for Occitan, a low-resourced regional language spoken mainly in the south of France.
This paper outlines the ongoing effort of creating the first treebank for Occitan, a low-ressourced regional language spoken mainly in the south of France.
This provides fully parsed dependency trees for the English treebank. We also report an analysis of the inter-annotator agreement for this chunk expansion task.
Aug 30, 2019 · Cross-lingual dependency parsing with universal dependencies and predicted PoS labels. In. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on ...
The treebank consists of transcriptions of bilingual conversations annotated with several layers: language IDs, lemmas, POS tags, morphological features, and ...
This paper describes the application of delexicalized cross-lingual parsing on Occitan with a view to building the first dependency treebank of this ...
Universal Dependencies (UD) is a framework for consistent annotation of grammar (parts of speech, morphological features, and syntactic dependencies) across ...
The purpose of this document is to provide some advice to people who are interested in building a treebank for a new language and do not know where to start.
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