Jun 9, 2022 · We build a spatio-temporal Transformer model that attends to semantically rich convolutional neural network-based feature maps.
A spatio-temporal Transformer model that attends to semantically rich convolutional neural network-based feature maps and proposes feature map tokens: a new ...
Egocentric 3D human pose estimation (HPE) from images is challenging due to severe self-occlusions and strong distortion introduced by the fish-eye view ...
In this paper we investigate the use of a pure transformer architecture (i.e., one with no CNN backbone) for the problem of 2D body pose estimation. We evaluate ...
Aug 4, 2023 · We propose a domain-guided spatio-temporal transformer model that leverages information specific to ego-views.
Feb 1, 2023 · Powered by this FMT-based transformer, we build Egocentric Spatio-Temporal Self-Attention Network (Ego-STAN), which uses heatmap-based ...
Jun 9, 2022 · We build a spatio-temporal Transformer model that attends to semantically rich convolutional neural network-based feature maps.
Building Spatio-temporal Transformers for Egocentric 3D Pose Estimation ... Egocentric 3D human pose estimation (HPE) from images is challenging due to severe ...
This repo is the official implementation for 3D Human Pose Estimation with Spatial and Temporal Transformers. The paper is accepted to ICCV 2021.
Missing: Building Egocentric
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Vision-based ego-centric 3D human pose estimation (ego-HPE) is essential to support critical applications of xR-technologies.