Jul 11, 2024 · We introduce BriDe Arbitrager, a novel tool designed for Ethereum 2.0 that leverages Bribery-driven attacks to Delay block production and increase arbitrage ...
Jul 11, 2024 · The main idea is to allow malicious proposers to delay block production by bribing validators/proposers, thereby gaining more time to identify ...
Jul 11, 2024 · Introduces a new Ethereum 2.0 technique called "BriDe Arbitrager" that enhances arbitrage through bribery-enabled delayed block production.
Aug 17, 2024 · Rich Siow Mong Goh: BriDe Arbitrager: Enhancing Arbitrage in Ethereum 2.0 via Bribery-enabled Delayed Block Production. CoRR abs/2407.08537 ...
Jul 11, 2024 · The main idea is to allow malicious proposers to delay block production by bribing validators/proposers, thereby gaining more time to identify ...
The results in Figure 4 show that BriDe Arbitrager has greater profitability than all other arbitrage detection algorithms, with a daily profit of 8.66 ETH (16, ...
Jul 11, 2024 · 在这些变化中,我们介绍了BriDe Arbitrager,这是一种新颖的工具,专为以太坊2.0设计,利用贿赂驱动攻击来延迟块生产并增加套利收益。主要思想是允许恶意提议 ...
BriDe Arbitrager: Enhancing Arbitrage in Ethereum 2.0 via Bribery-enabled Delayed Block Production ... Ethereum 2.0 that leverages Bribery-driven attacks ...
Articles by Siow Mong Rick · BriDe Arbitrager: Enhancing Arbitrage in Ethereum 2.0 via Bribery-enabled Delayed Block Production · DL-Chain: Scalable and Stable ...
Jul 16, 2024 · ​BriDe Arbitrager: Enhancing Arbitrage in Ethereum 2.0 via Bribery-enabled Delayed Block Production; Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures ...