In this paper, we propose a mixture membership function based on linear distance membership and tight density membership. Specifically, different fuzzy factors ...
A mixture membership function based on linear distance membership and tight density membership and a MFSVM-FKNN ensemble classifier for breast cancer ...
Apr 25, 2024 · Breast cancer detection based on mixture membership function with MFSVM-FKNN ensemble classifier. FSKD 2012: 297-301. [+][–]. 2000 – 2009. FAQ.
Furthermore, a MFSVM-FKNN ensemble classifier for breast cancer detection algorithm based on mixture membership is proposed. The experimental results in X-ray ...
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Bibliographic details on Breast cancer detection based on mixture membership function with MFSVM-FKNN ensemble classifier.
Computer Aided Detection for breast calcification ... Breast cancer detection based on mixture membership function with MFSVM-FKNN ensemble classifier.
Bao-ying Chen, “Breast Cancer Detection based on Mixture Membership Function with. MFSVM-FKNN Ensemble Classifier”, 9th. International Conference on Fuzzy ...
"Breast cancer detection based on mixture membership function with. MFSVM-FKNN ensemble classifier," Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge. Discovery (FSKD), 2012 9th ...
Computer Aided Detection for breast calcification clusters based on improved instance selection and an adaptive neuro-fuzzy network.
Detection based on mixture membership function with MFSVM- FKNN ensemble classifier. In this paper, author proposes a mixture membership function based on ...