Blocked clause elimination is a powerful technique in SAT solving. In recent work, it has been shown that it is possible to decompose any propositional formula into two subsets (blocked sets) such that both can be solved by blocked clause elimination. We extend this work in sev- eral ways.
In this work we study the effect of a CNF-level simplification technique called blocked clause elimination (BCE), based on the concept of blocked clauses [12].
In this work we study the effect of a CNF-level simplification technique called blocked clause elimination (BCE), based on the concept of blocked clauses [12].
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Blocked clause elimination¶. Blocked clause elimination [Kullmann1999] is another method for removing “redundant” clauses in a satisfiability-preserving way.
Blocked-clause elimination considerably boosts solver performance by simulating several other, more complicated preprocessing techniques [15].
An extreme case in which BCE removes all clauses! Proposition. BCE is confluent, i.e., has a unique fixpoint. Blocked clauses stay blocked w.r.t. removal.
In this work we study the effect of a CNF-level simplification technique called blocked clause elimination (BCE). ... Experimentally, we show that by applying BCE ...
Jun 11, 2018 · The great thing about blocked clause elimination, is that it can achieve this automatically, without the use of xor-clauses!
The elimination of blocked clauses can significantly boost the performance of SAT solvers [Manthey et al., 2013;. Järvisalo et al., 2010]. Moreover, blocked ...
May 7, 2021 · Blocked clause elimination deletes a clause c if there is a literal l ∈ c such that all resolvents of c along l are tautologies. This is ...