Jul 19, 2013 · This paper examines the nature of the so-called separation problem, which is that of generating a valid inequality violated by a given real ...
Mar 26, 2012 · This paper examines the nature of the so-called separation problem, which is that of generating a valid inequality violated by a given real ...
It is shown that the problem of generating a maximally violated valid inequality often has a natural interpretation as a bilevel program, and can be easily ...
In some cases, this bilevel program can be easily reformulated as a simple single-level mathematical program, yielding a standard mathematical programming ...
... The bilevel programming problem is a hierarchical optimization problem involving two levels in which the constraint region of the upper level problem is ...
In recent years, branch-and-cut algorithms have become firmly established as the most effective method for solving generic mixed integer linear programs ...
Definition 1 The separation problem for a polyhedron Q is to determine for a given ˆx ∈ Rn whether or not ˆx ∈ Q and if not, to produce an inequality. (¯α, ¯β) ...
This paper examines the nature of the so-called separation problem, which is that of generating a valid inequality violated by a given real vector, usually ...
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We present the first exact approach to separate tight metric inequalities for the Network Loading problem. We give a bilevel programming formulation for the ...
Bilevel programming problems are hierarchical optimization problems where an objective function is to be minimized over the graph of the solution set ...