A new neural network algorithm based on the counter‐propagation network (CPN) architecture, named MVL‐CPN, is proposed in this paper for bidirectional ...
In this paper, we propose a new neural network algorithm based on the CPN architecture, i.e., MVL-CPN, for the recognition and associative recall of multiple- ...
A multilayered bidirectional associative memory neural network is proposed to account for learning nonlinear types of association.
Nov 9, 2023 · Bidirectional Associative Memory, or BAM for short, is a type of recurrent neural network designed for associative memory recall.
Missing: multiple- valued
Apr 3, 2022 · The BAM is the hetero-associative memory, providing an ability to store the associated data, regardless of its type and structure, without continuous learning.
A bidirectional associative memory (BAM) with complex states and connection weights is investigated in this paper. The states are represented by ...
Neural models naturally imply parallel implementation of storage and retrieval algorithms by the correspondence to synaptic modification and neural activation.
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Bidirectionality, forward and backward information flow, in neural nets produces two-way associative search for the nearest stored pair (Ai,Bi) to an input key.
Bidirectional Associative Memories (BAM) are systems that allow to associate pairs of patterns. Once a memory has learned, patterns can be recalled in two ...
A bidirectional associative memory (BAM) with complex states and connection weights is investigated in this paper. The states are.