Apr 15, 2019 · Based on the Lévy flight step-size and particle swarm optimization (PSO) operator, this paper proposes the improved BFO algorithm (LPBFO).
To reduce the mutual interference among different dimensions, each bacterium selects one dimension for tumbling randomly during the chemotactic process in LPBFO ...
This paper proposes an improved Bacterial foraging optimization (BFO) algorithm based on modified chemotaxis process and novel swarming strategy.
To reduce the mutual interference among different dimensions, each bacterium selects one dimension for tumbling randomly during the chemotactic process in LPBFO ...
May 27, 2020 · By adjusting the search scope and chemotaxis variables dynamically, the bacterial population was guided to move towards the global optimum [15].
The improved BFO algorithm (LPBFO) is proposed, based on the Lévy flight step-size and particle swarm optimization (PSO) operator, and inspired by the ...
Oct 1, 2016 · In this paper, we propose a new bacterial foraging optimization algorithm, called BFO-CC, which makes use of standard-basis-vector, nonuniform- ...
May 27, 2020 · Bacterial foraging optimization (BFO) algorithm is a novel swarm intelligence optimization algorithm based on the foraging behavior of E. Coli, ...
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Jun 22, 2020 · An improved BFO algorithm with comprehensive swarm learning strategies (LPCBFO) is proposed. As for the LPCBFO algorithm, each bacterium keeps on moving with ...
This paper proposes a novel optimization algorithm inspired by bacteria behavior patterns for foraging. Most bacteria can trace attractant chemical molecules ...