BTRANSFORMER tool is presented, which permits to automatically generate a formal specification of the business model of a semi-formal model expressed in ...
To support the transformation from BPMN to TA, the author uses the latest version of the BPMN2TA plugin in the BTransformer tool [103] . In these papers, the ...
This paper introduced the development of. BTRANSFORMER tool that allows executing a transformation from a BPMN model into a set of. CSP+T process terms. Thus, ...
As result, we obtain a plug-in for Eclipse platform, which is capable of transforming BPMN models designed with Intalio into a text file with the equivalent CSP ...
In this paper, we present BTRANSFORMER tool that permits to automatically generate such a formal specification and has been programmed with the ATLAS ...
The main difficulties encountered and the lessons learnt when building BTRANSFORMER; a tool developed for the Eclipse platform, which allows us to generate ...
BTRANSFORMER allows us to generate a formal specification of a BP model described with Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) [10] notation. Communicating ...
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It discusses the main difficulties encountered and the lessons learnt when building BTRANSFORMER; a tool developed for the Eclipse platform, which allows us to ...
Oct 10, 2012 · This document discusses automating the transformation of BPMN models to CSP+T specifications. It begins with an introduction that outlines ...
In this work, we define a timed semantics of BPMN in terms of the Communicating Sequential Processes + Time (CSP+T) process calculus in order to detail the ...