The presented paper shows a flexible gripping system with the possibility of self-adaptation to different workpieces. The adaptation is based on a robot-guided ...
To adapt the same gripping system to various parts, the system should be flexible in all directions – individual rotation and translation of the gripper.
The presented paper shows a flexible gripping system with the possibility of self-adaptation to different workpieces. The adaptation is based on a robot-guided ...
Automatic reconfiguration of flexible robot gripping system. from blog.softroboticsinc.com
Oct 5, 2019 · These products need to be handled with care and dexterity. Soft Robotics mGrip product line is a modular tooling solution that does just this.
An overview of a holistic approach for the selection and dimensioning of gripper fingers from modules is presented in this paper.
The 2D Grasping Kit allows companies to easily automate their gripping and sorting tasks. No skilled personnel are required for setup, teaching and operation.
Oct 25, 2020 · Moreover, the gripper is reconfigurable with five actuated degrees of freedom, that are automatically controlled using the embedded sensors to ...
A reconfigurable end effector assembly includes a main spar, limb, and branches. The branches extend radially outward from the limb.
Automatically reconfigurable fixtures allow adaptation to geometry changes during manufacturing by repositioning contact elements or adjusting contact ...
This paper discusses the design and modeling fundamentals of a multi-degree-of-freedom reconfigurable robotic gripper system (RGS), designed to automate the ...