We establish decidability of equivalence of zip-specifications, by employing bisimilarity of observation graphs based on a suitably chosen cobasis. Furthermore, ...
Jan 16, 2012 · Here `zip' interleaves the elements of two streams in alternating order, starting with the first stream. For example, the Thue-Morse sequence is ...
The study of zip-specifications is placed in a wider perspective by employing observation graphs in a dynamic logic setting, yielding yet another alternative.
Apr 16, 2012 · Our study of zip-specifications is placed in an even wider perspective by employing the observation graphs in a dynamic logic setting, leading ...
Apr 22, 2013 · What about zips of different arities in one specification? Page 22. Mix-automatic sequences. Zip-mix specifications: now we allow zips ...
IEEE Computer Society, 2012] developed a method for defining automatic sequences in terms of ʼzip specificationsʼ and proved that a sequence is automatic [J.-P.
Grabmayer, Endrullis, Hendriks, Klop, and Moss [6] developed a method for defining automatic sequences in terms of 'zip specifications' and proved that a ...
Automatic Sequences and Zip-Specifications​​ We consider infinite sequences of symbols, also known as streams, and the decidability question for equality of ...
Every mix-DFAO M gives rise to a mix-automatic sequence w ∈ ∆ω by defining for every n ∈ N, w(n) as the output of M when reading (n)M . Zip-Specifications. In [ ...
In this paper we compare the class of mix-automatic sequences with the class of morphic sequences. For every polynomial ϕ we construct a mix-automatic sequence ...