A Kohonen's Self-Organizing Map (SOM) neural network is used to select the appropriate loop transformation or sequence of them. Neural Networks offer ...
An Intelligent Loop Transformation Selector (ILTS), as a part of parallelizing tool project, was developed to overcome on challenges and imitate an ...
Determine the appropriate loop transformations is an essential process in the automatic parallelization field. The sequence of loop transformation to be ...
Automatic Loop Transformation Selection with the Aid of Kohonen's Self-Organizing Maps for Parallelizing Compilers. PDPTA 2008: 850-856; 2001. [c1]. view.
Automatic Loop Transformation Selection with the Aid of Kohonen's Self-Organizing Maps for Parallelizing Compilers. MA Mead, H Eldeeb, SM Nassar. PDPTA, 850 ...
A Kohonen's Self-Organizing Map (SOM) neural network is used to select the appropriate loop transformation or sequence of them. Neural Networks offer ...
(). •. Automatic Loop Transformation Selection with the Aid of Kohonen's Self-Organizing Maps for Parallelizing Compilersmore. by Mohamed Mead. Keywords: ...
Abstract - In this paper, an automatic parallelization tool for C code, named Intelligent Automatic Parallel Detection. Layer (IAPDL), is presented.
Automatic Loop Transformation Selection with the Aid of Kohonen's Self-Organizing Maps for Parallelizing Compilers · M. A. MeadH. EldeebS. Nassar. Computer ...
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Professor Teuvo Kohonen (Auth.) Self-Organizing Maps - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free.