SUMMARY This paper presents a method to automatically acquire a given noun's telic and agentive roles from corpus data. These relations form part of the ...
Oct 1, 2007 · This paper presents a method to automatically acquire a given noun's telic and agentive roles from corpus data. These relations form part of ...
A method to automatically acquire a given noun's telic and agentive roles from corpus data using a supervised machine-learning technique which makes use of ...
Automatic Acquisition of Qualia Structure from Corpus Data. Authors. Ichiro YAMADA; Timothy BALDWIN; Hideki SUMIYOSHI; Masahiro SHIBATA; Nobuyuki YAGI ...
Oct 1, 2007 · Summary: This paper presents a method to automatically acquire a given noun's telic and agentive roles from corpus data. These relations form ...
Automatic Acquisition of Qualia Structure from Corpus Data. YAMADA, I.; BALDWIN, T.; SUMIYOSHI, H.; SHIBATA, M.; YAGI, N. IEICE Transactions on Information ...
This paper presents an approach for the au- tomatic acquisition of qualia structures for nouns from the Web and thus opens the pos-.
Automatic Acquisition of Qualia Structure from Corpus Data. This paper presents a method to automatically acquire a given noun's telic and agentive roles ...
We present a study of methods for automatically discovering the telic and agentive roles of nouns based on corpus data. These relations form part of the qualia ...
This paper presents an approach for the automatic acquisition of qualia structures ... Automatic Acquisition of the Argument-Predicate ... Two methods for ...