Authenticated Subgraph Matching in Hybrid-Storage Blockchains. Graphs serve as an essential data structure to model complex relationships in a variety of applications, such as social networks, web graphs, and chemical informatics.
A verifier can use the Merkle proof and the object's value 14 to reconstruct the root hash and compare it with the public signed root hash. If they match, it is ...
Some researchers use cryptographic algorithms to safeguard user identity information, but they do not consider supporting the query processing.
Authenticated Subgraph Matching in Hybrid-Storage Blockchains Siyu Li (Beijing Institute of Technology); Zhiwei Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology); ...
The primary challenge is how to design an authenticated data structure (ADS) that supports authenticated queries and can be easily maintained by the blockchain.
In this paper, we present three novel join algorithms depending on the ADS availability: (i) Authenticated Indexed Sort Merge Join (AISM), which utilizes a ...
In 2022 Sun et al. [20] proposed a subgraph matching algorithm based on the subgraph index for FGqT-Match. Subgraph matching involves two key designs for ...
Graph must meet all the constraints during subgraph isomorphic testing ... Initially data owners authenticated to the blockchain server using Four-Q-Curve.
In this paper, we study novel ADS schemes for authenticated keyword search in hybrid-storage blockchains.
Missing: Subgraph Matching
This article provides mechanisms that assure the querier that the query results have not been tampered with and are authentic.