In this chapter we discuss a common derandomized approximation algorithm for yielding a constant-tunable approximation bound to two variants of the critical ...
In this chapter we discuss a common derandomized approximation al- gorithm for yielding a constant-tunable approximation bound to two variants of the critical ...
In this paper we propose an efficient approximation algorithm for determining solutions to the critical node detection problem (CNDP) on unweighted and ...
In this paper we propose an efficient approximation algorithm for determining solutions to the critical node detection problem (CNDP) on unweighted and ...
Given a graph whose arcs represent the communication links in the graph. • (Offense) Select at most k nodes to target whose removal creates the maximum.
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In this paper, we propose two novel adaptive algorithms, Critical Link Adaption (CLA) and Crit- ical Node Adaption (CNA) algorithms, to detect and update the ...
The Critical Node Detection Problem (CNDP) concerns identifying the nodes in a graph that have the greatest impact on that graph's connectivity.
ABSTRACT. Identifying critical nodes in a graph is important to understand the structural characteristics and the connectivity properties of the network.
Approximation algorithms for detecting critical nodes. Mario Ventresca, Dionne M Aleman. January 2014. Cite. Type. Book section. Publication. NATO Science for ...
Mar 28, 2015 · In this paper, we propose an algorithm based on a modified depth-first search that requires O(k(|V|+|E|)) time complexity.