Feb 5, 2014 · In this thesis, we study the design and analysis of approximation algorithms for such problems. We focus on two important class of problems. The ...
Feb 5, 2014 · This is to certify that the thesis titled Approximation Algorithms for Covering and Packing. Problems on Paths being submitted by Arindam ...
Oct 15, 2012 · Given a path P = (v1,e1,v2,e2,...,en−1,vn) on n nodes. Edge ei has capacity c(ei) ≡ ci. There are k intervals (requests) I1,...,Ik.
In the Cycle Packing problem, we are given an undirected graph G, a positive integer r, and the task is to check whether there exist r vertex-disjoint cycles.
obtain an algorithm that computes an -optimal flow by solving shortest path problems – the number of shortest paths computed grows as O( −1 log(1. ∈. )) in ...
Bibliographic details on Approximation Algorithms for Covering and Packing Problems on Paths.
Finally, we give an O(n2/3)-approximation algorithm for the problem of finding a maximum number of edge-disjoint cycles that intersect a specified subset. S of ...
Given a graph, the general problem to cover the maximum number of vertices by a collection of vertex-disjoint long paths seemingly escapes from the literature.
In this talk we will discuss how to adapt a method proposed by Nesterov to design an algorithm that computes eps-optimal solutions to fractional packing ...
Approximating disjoint-path problems using greedy algorithms and packing integer programs. ... Improved approximations of packing and covering problems. Proc. ACM.
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