It is commonly believed that approaching channel capacity requires the constituent one- dimensional signal points to have a Gaussian probability distribution. Here, it is shown that channel capacity can be achieved by equiprobable signaling with geometrical, Gaussian-like signal sets.
For the additive white Gaussian noise channel, there is a gap between the channel capacity and the highest achievable rate of equiprobable uniformly spaced ...
It is commonly believed that approaching channel capacity requires the constituent one-dimensional signal points to have a Gaussian probability distribution. It ...
For the additive white Gaussian noise channel, there is a gap between the channel capacity and the highest achievable rate of equiprobable uniformly spaced ...
Jan 1, 1991 · The common wisdom is that the attainment of channel capacity for Additive White Gaussian Noise channels re- quires that the constituent one ...
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Jan 13, 2017 · We present a method to construct one-dimensional constellations with equiprobable signaling that achieve the Gaussian capacity as the number of ...
A construction of amplitude and phase-shift keying constellations with equiprobable signaling that achieve the Gaussian capacity as the number of ...
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We give a construction of amplitude and phase-shift keying (APSK) constellations with equiprobable signaling that achieve the Gaussian capacity as the number of ...
We present a method to construct one-dimensional constellations with equiprobable signaling that achieve the Gaussian capacity as the number of signal points ...