This extension solves the full transparency problem (how to give syntactic signatures for higher-order functors that express exactly their propagation of type ...
We present a variant of the Standard ML module system where parameterized abstract types (i.e. functors returning generative types) map provably equal ...
Apr 1, 2017 · We present a variant of the Standard ML module system where parameterized abstract types (i.e. functors returning.
This extension solves the full transparency problem (how to give syntactic signatures for higher-order functors that express exactly their propagation of type ...
higher-order functors are fully transparent in this calculus. Section. 6 discusses related work and section. 7 gives concluding remarks. 142. Page 2. 2. Functor.
Instance functors must be transparent. Why? – For simplicity, we only supported generative functors. – So if a generative functor is not transparent, every.
We present a type theory for higher-order modules that accounts for many central issues in module system design, including translucency, applicativity, ...
Applicative functors and fully transparent higher-order mod- ules. In Proceedings of ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of. Programming Langu ages, pages ...
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Applicative functors and fully transparent higher-order modules. In POPL '95. [26] X. Leroy. A syntactic theory of type generativity and sharing. JFP,. 6(5): ...
This extension solves the full transparency problem (how to give syntactic signatures for higher-order functors that express exactly their propagation of type ...