This paper describes the design and application of a full-system simulation environment that has been widely used in the exploration of the IBM PowerPC® ...
The design and application of a full-system simulation environment that has been widely used in the exploration of the IBM PowerPC® processor and system ...
This paper describes the design and application of a full-system simulation environment that has been widely used in the exploration of the IBM PowerPCt ...
In this paper, we describe features of the simulation environment and present examples of its application in the context of the Sony-Toshiba-IBM Cell Broadband ...
This paper has been accepted for publication in IBM Journal of Research and Development in Spring 2006. It was part of a set of papers on exploratory system ...
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Mar 1, 2004 · Mambo is a full-system simulator for modeling PowerPC-based systems. It provides building blocks for creating simulators that range from purely functional to ...
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Jan 21, 2023 · Systems engineers should have a dynamic simulation environment where they can simulate the full system with all the use cases.
It has wide applicability in the development and research of computer systems, especially embedded systems. This talk gives an overview of the full-system ...
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Jun 15, 2002 · We describe the timing-first organization and our experiences implementing TFsim, a full-system multiprocessor perfor- mance simulator. TFsim ...