This work demonstrates the benefits of such algorithms from the perspective of energy consumption and bandwidth economics. The measurement study makes use of a ...
Analyzing Energy Efficiency of a Cooperative. Content Distribution Technique. Sumanta Saha, Mohammad Hoque, Andrey Lukyanenko. Aalto University School of ...
This work demonstrates the benefits of such algorithms from the perspective of energy consumption and bandwidth economics. The measurement study makes use of a ...
Sep 1, 2020 · In addition, this paper proposes a cache placement algorithm based on heuristic greedy algorithm to solve this energy efficiency optimization ...
In this paper we focus on the problem of content distribution in wireless ad hoc networks. Our goal is to study the performance of a cooperative content ...
Our results highlight the great benefits of our solution in terms of system fairness, achievable throughput, and energy consumption. We also study the ...
In this paper, we focus on the role of database software in affecting, and, ultimately, improving the energy efficiency of a server.
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This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of modeling and optimization methods for energy systems.
The analytical and numerical results reveal that for small distance separation between the source and destination, direct transmission is more energy efficient ...
Mar 1, 2017 · Dense small cells have been considered as a promising solution for improving system throughput in the future 5th generation networks.