We evaluate policies by trace-driven simulations in order to determine the effects on power consumed and impact on high-throughput users. We demonstrate that ...
Jul 19, 2013 · We assume that power consumed by the cluster through interactive users is a given. Reduction of this power is being achieved through replacement ...
– Reduce computer idle time. – Identify wasteful work sooner? • Aims. – Investigate policy for reducing energy consumption. – Determine the impact on high-‐ ...
Abstract—Reduction of power consumption for any com- puter system is now an important issue, although this should be done in a manner that is not ...
We evaluate policies by trace-driven simulations in order to determine the effects on power consumed and impact on high-throughput users. We demonstrate that ...
We evaluate policies by trace-driven simulations in order to determine the effects on power consumed and impact on high-throughput users. We demonstrate that ...
We evaluate policies by trace-driven simulations to determine the effects on power consumed by the high-throughput workload and impact on high-throughput users.
We evaluate policies by trace-driven simulations to determine the effects on power consumed by the high-throughput workload and impact on high-throughput users.
This article presents a comprehensive systematic analysis on energy saving techniques in WNoCs. The goal is to classify state-of-the-art WNoCs architectures.
Mechanisms to conserve power on the radio, such as turning it off when not needed, using more efficient power amplifiers, and using massive MIMO antennas will ...
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