With the tremendous advances in both hardware capabilities and rendering algorithms, rendering performance is steadily increasing.
Wald, Dietrich, Slusallek / Interactive Out-of-Core Rendering for Massively Complex Models and Image-Based Acceleration. In ACM Symposium on. Interactive 3D ...
In this paper, we are targeting the interactive visualization of the "Boeing 777" model, a highly complex model of 350 million individual triangles, which - due ...
An Interactive Out-of-Core Rendering Framework for Visualizing Massively Complex Models. by: Ingo Wald, Andreas Dietrich, and Philipp Slusallek Added on 4 ...
An Interactive Out-of-Core Rendering Framework for Visualizing Massively Complex Models. In Rendering Techniques 2004, Proceedings of the Eurographics ...
% With this approach, we are able to render the full 777 model at several frames per second even on a single commodity desktop PC.
An Interactive Out-of-Core Rendering Framework for Visualizing Massively Complex Models (Project): I. Wald, A. Dietrich, P. Slusallek · Rendering Forest Scenes ...
In this paper, an efficient voxel assisted GPU out-of-core framework is proposed for visualizing massive CAD models interactively. In order to reduce memory ...
May 4, 2016 · This paper proposes an efficient graphics processing unit out-of-core framework for interactively visualizing large-scale computer-aided ...
A system for rendering very complex 3D models at interactive rates that automatically balances the screen-space errors resulting from geometric ...