By introducing the concept and features of mobile cloud computing, we analyze the system structure of mobile cloud computing. Meanwhile, the security threats ...
Section 4 proposes an improved security service scheme to help realize the controllability, customizability and adaptability in mobile cloud computing ...
An improved security service scheme is put forward to help realize the controllability, customizability and adaptability of the mobile cloud computing ...
Finally, an improved security service scheme is put forward to help realize the controllability, customizability and adaptability of the mobile cloud computing ...
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AN IMPROVED SECURITY SERVICE SCHEME IN MOBILE CLOUD ENVIRONMENT ; 关键词: Mobile cloud computing Mobile internet Security threat Security service Access control.
Chen, “An improved security service scheme in mobile cloud environment”, ClouComputing and Intelligent Systems (CCIS), 2012 IEEE 2nd International.
This paper presents a high level authentication and encryption model through a mobile application that encrypts the data before moving it to the cloud that ...
In this paper, we have used the symmetric key agreement algorithm named Diffie Hellman, for improving cloud manager based scheme. OTP(One Time Password) is ...
In this work a proactive complex security service replication protocol for increasing availability of fog security services is proposed.
Dec 30, 2017 · To address these issues, an enhanced and provably secure authentication scheme for distributed MCC services will be designed in this work. The ...
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