Abstract: Inter-organization business process collaboration is one of the most significant factors driving today's global business development.
Oct 18, 2017 · In addition, the paper proposes a metamodel-based mapping from BPMN to HLA, which can be seen as a significant step towards the implementation ...
A metamodel-based mapping from BPMN to HLA is proposed, which can be seen as a significant step towards the implementation of a conceptual framework for ...
Abstract—Inter-organization business process collaboration is one of the most significant factors driving today's global business development.
Mar 23, 2023 · Bibliographic details on An HLA-based BPMN extension for the specification of business process collaborations.
AI search engine for research. Find 5x more relevant results than Google Scholar. Discover academic papers, articles, and publications with unparalleled ...
Jun 4, 2024 · This paper presents a novel approach rooted in Model-Driven Architecture and combined with the High-Level Architecture standard.
12, 2021. An HLA-based BPMN extension for the specification of business process collaborations. P Bocciarelli, A D'Ambrogio, E Paglia, A Giglio. 2017 IEEE/ACM ...
An HLA-based BPMN extension for the specification of business process collaborations. P Bocciarelli, A D'Ambrogio, E Paglia, A Giglio. 2017 IEEE/ACM 21st ...
To deal with this aspect, the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) standard represents a feasible solution since it provides a graphical notation based on ...