This paper demonstrates experimentally that remote writes provide significant performance benefits in cache-coherent shared-memory multiprocessors with and ...
In the following section, we de ne the remote write primitives, and discuss how they can be implemented in a cache-coherent, shared memory multiprocessor.
This paper demonstrates experimental ly that remote writes provide signi cant performance b ene ts in cache-coherent sharedmemory multipr ocessors with and ...
An Evaluation of Fine-Grain Producer-Initiated Communication in Cache-Coherent Multiprocessors. Authors: Hazim Abdel-Shafi, Jonathan Hall, Sarita V. Adve ...
An evaluation of fine-grain producer-initiated communication in cache-coherent multiprocessors. Conference Paper. Mar 1997. J. Hall · Hazim Abdel-shafi ...
Dive into the research topics of 'Evaluation of fine-grain producer-initiated communication in cache-coherent multiprocessors'. Together they form a unique ...
Jun 4, 2009 · However, on an invalidation-based cache-coherent multiprocessor, prefetching is inapplicable or insufficient for some communication patterns ...
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An evaluation of fine-grain producer-initiatedcommunication in cache-coherent multiprocessors. In Third International Symposium on High-Performance ...
An evaluation of fine-grain producer-initiated communication in cache coherent multiprocessors. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on High ...
An Evaluation of Fine-Grain Producer-Initiated Communication in Cache-Coherent Multiprocessors. 204-215. High-Performance Processors. view. electronic edition ...