Rough sets can be also defined, as a generalisation, by employing a rough membership function instead of objective approximation.
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Through this concept, we explain rough set upper approximation as a linear mapping and study the linear properties of rough sets. The relationship between the ...
This paper explains rough set upper approximation as a linear mapping and study the linear properties of rough sets and the relationship between the linear ...
Nov 21, 2024 · Theories of rough sets and soft sets are powerful mathematical tools for modelling various types of vagueness. Hybrid model combining a rough ...
The rough sets approach to data classification is often referred to as a machine-learning procedure for incomplete or imprecise data.
In rough set theory, equivalences are treated as indistinguishability relations. Indistinguishability of objects x and y means that we do not have a way to ...
Nov 3, 2022 · Rough sets constitute a sound basis for Knowledge Discovery in Database. It offers mathematical tools to discover patterns hidden in data.
TL;DR: This paper explains rough set upper approximation as a linear mapping and study the linear properties of rough sets and the relationship between the ...
The three equivalent definitions offer different interpretations of rough set ap- proximations. According to the element based definition, an element x is in ...
In both cases, rough sets may be interpreted by, or related to, families of subsets of the universe, i.e., elements of a rough set are subsets of the universe.