The algorithm finds a global buffering which minimizes buffer area while meeting the timing constraints. We use Lagrangian relaxation to translate the timing ...
In this paper, we propose an algorithm based on length zoom and min-cut for timing constrained minimal buffer insertion in a large network. We compare our ...
The algorithm finds a global bu ering which minimizes bu er area while meeting the timing constraints. We use. Lagrangian relaxation to translate the timing ...
The algorithm finds a global buffering which minimizes buffer area while meeting the timing constraints. We use Lagrangian relaxation to translate the timing ...
The algorithm finds a global buffering which minimizes buffer area while meeting the timing constraints. We use Lagrangian relaxation to translate the timing ...
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Efficient buffer insertion algorithm for large networks based on Lagrangian relaxation-conference_proceeding.
In this paper, we relate the timing constrained minimal buffer insertion problem to the min-cost flow dual problem, and propose two algorithms based on min-cost ...
An efficient buffer insertion algorithm for large networks based on Lagrangian relaxation · Computer Science. Proceedings 1999 IEEE International Conference on…
Buffer inser- tion divides the wire into a number of smaller segments and linear- izes the wire delay with respect to the total length of the wire [1].