Our empirical analysis shows that the gap heuristic is accurate on a very high percentage of states, and rarely underestimates the op- timal cost of a randomly ...
Sep 1, 2021 · In doing so, we provide new pancake puzzle test sets that can be used to evaluate how search algorithms behave when the heuristic is inaccurate.
This work analyzes the accuracy of the gap heuristic and identifies ways to enhance it, and provides new pancake puzzle test sets that can be used to ...
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This repository has code for solving and analyzing the pancake puzzle. The included code was included in the paper "An Analysis and Improvement of the Gap ...
The pancake puzzle is a standard testbed problem used in Artificial Intelligence and search, but has also been studied theoretically.
Apr 25, 2024 · Richard Anthony Valenzano, Danniel Sihui Yang: An Analysis and Enhancement of the Gap Heuristic for the Pancake Puzzle. SOCS 2017: 109-117.
In this work, we introduce three new admissible heuristic functions for this problem. All three functions use the inverse of a permutation.
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As a heuristic, we used the GAP heuristic (Helmert 2010 ) which adds 1 for every two adjacent numbers that are not consecutive (hence a gap). We created a heavy ...
The gap heuristic is described, which dramatically outperforms current abstraction-based heuristics for this problem and belongs to a family of landmark ...
In this paper, we provide full proofs regarding the local search topology of the gap heuristic for the pancake puzzle. First, we show that in any non-goal state ...