In the proposed system, adaptive data collection is realized by link discovery module, topology management module, device management module, adaptive data collection module and message forward- ing module. Collection nodes in open networks are not trusted, since they might be compromised or behave maliciously.
Nov 28, 2019 · In this paper, we propose an adaptive network data collection system in SDN by automatically selecting proper data collection nodes based on network status in ...
This paper proposes an adaptive network data collection system in SDN by automatically selecting proper data collection nodes based on network status in a ...
An adaptive network data collection system that dynamically selects network data collection nodes based on network status and also samples network traffic based ...
As a new kind of network architecture, Software Defined Network (SDN) provides a possibility of intelligent and adaptive network data collection with ...
As a new kind of network architecture, Software Defined Network (SDN) provides a possibility of intelligent and adaptive network data collection with ...
An Adaptive Network Data Collection System in SDN. Donghao Zhou, Zheng Yan, Gao Liu, Mohammed Atiquzzaman. Network Security and Trust. Xidian University ...
This paper proposes an adaptive network data collection system in SDN by automatically selecting proper data collection nodes based on network status in a ...
The SDN architecture has the ability to decouple the data and control plane, thus enabling the administrator to directly program the network control and ...
The accuracy and granularity of network flow measurement play a critical role in many network management tasks, especially for anomaly detection.