Ambiguities in the array manifold arise when there exists a set of distinct directions-of-arrivals in the field of view, for which the corresponding steering matrix is rank-deficient. In this case it is impossible to uniquely determine the parameters of interest from single snapshot measurements.
Oct 20, 2021 · Ambiguities arise when there exists a set of distinct directions-of-arrival, for which the corresponding steering matrix is rank-deficient and ...
Aug 22, 2022 · Ambiguities arise when there exists a set of distinct directions-of-arrival, for which the corresponding steering matrix is rank-deficient and ...
Linear antenna arrays (LAs) can be used to accurately predict the direction of arrival (DOAs) of various targets of interest in a given area.
May 7, 2021 · Linear antenna arrays (LAs) can be used to accurately predict the direction of arrival (DOAs) of various targets of interest in a given area ...
Oct 29, 2021 · Bibliographic details on Ambiguities in Direction-of-Arrival Estimation with Linear Arrays.
Linear antenna arrays (LAs) can be used to accurately predict the direction of arrival (DOAs) of various targets of interest in a given area.
It is shown that inherent ambiguity for the nonuniform linear array is defined by rank-deficiency of the associated Fisher matrix, ...
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Jan 10, 2024 · This paper addresses the problem of ambiguities in direction of arrival (DOA) estimation for nonuniform (sparse) linear arrays.
Nov 15, 2021 · The proposed method aims to resolve the ambiguity problem in DOA estimation with CLA by approximating the unknown nonlinear functional ...