AmIQuin is designed to replace a traditional shop window mannequin in order to enhance a customer's shopping experience by reacting to the customer's presence ...
This paper describes the first cycle of an iterative User-Centered Design (UCD) process including the technical implementation of an AmIQuin prototype, ...
Abstract. We present AmIQuin, a virtual mannequin, which leverages an Am- bient Intelligence (AmI) system within a shopping environment. AmIQuin is de-.
AmIQuin is designed to replace a traditional shop window mannequin in order to enhance a customer's shopping experience by reacting to the customer's presence ...
AmIQuin is designed to replace a traditional shop window mannequin in order to enhance a customer's shopping experience by reacting to the customer's presence ...
Alexander Meschtscherjakov , Wolfgang Reitberger, Thomas Mirlacher, Hermann Huber, Manfred Tscheligi : AmIQuin - An Ambient Mannequin for the Shopping ...
We aim to demonstrate AmiQuin, a virtual mannequin, which deploys an Ambient Intelligence (AmI) system within the retail shopping environment.
AmIQuin is designed to replace a traditional shop window mannequin in order to enhance a customer's shopping experience by reacting to the customer's presence ...
In this paper, we present an interactive mannequin for persuading bypassing customers to extend the perceived time they stay in front of a shop window.
This paper describes the first cycle of an iterative User-Centered Design (UCD) process including the technical implementation of an AmIQuin prototype, ...