In this paper we propose our approach to increase integration between development tools and accessibility testing tools in usual web development workflows. In ...
In this paper we propose our approach to increase integration between development tools and accessibility testing tools in usual web development workflows. In ...
The approach to increase integration between development tools and accessibility testing tools in usual web development workflows is proposed, which should ...
In this paper we intend to present an innovative method to represent accessibility testing results to web developers that are not accessibility experts,.
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Chantal Lengua, Vincenzo Rubano, Fabio Vitali: Aligning accessibility design to non-disabled people's perceptions. CCNC 2022: 1-6.
Aligning accessibility design to non-disabled people's perceptions. Lengua Chantal;Rubano Vincenzo. ;Vitali Fabio. 2022. Scheda breve; Scheda completa ...
We conducted a design course study investigating how student designers regard disability and explored how designing for multiple disabled and nondisabled users
Accessibility requirements relevant to visual design generally cluster around issues of legibility, color perception and device independence.
It may be hard for non-disabled people to know how to best interact with disabled people; unfamiliar technology design can be a barrier to social interactions.
Oct 23, 2016 · We conducted a design course study investigating how student designers regard disability and explored how designing for both disabled and non- ...
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