Sep 1, 2015 · Our algorithm is applicable to large instances since every stage is efficient. The algorithm supports arbitrary topologies and traffic patterns.
We present algorithms that design NoCs with guaranteed quality of service. Given a topology, a mapping of tasks to processing elements, ...
Bibliographic details on Algorithms for Network-on-Chip Design with Guaranteed QoS.
The design has been tested for an adaptive wormhole routing with proactive turn prohibition to guarantee deadlock free on chip communication for NOC ...
This paper addresses the allocation of link capacities in the automated design process of a network-on-chip based system. Communication resource costs are ...
the ability to provide a guaranteed QoS for an application is a critical requirement [5]. System designers will require. NoC communication platforms which ...
The objective of this paper is to implement QoS aware Q-routing algorithm for providing different level of Quality-of-Service (QoS) such as Best Effort (BE) ...
We define Quality of Service (QoS) and cost model for communications in Systems on Chip (SoC), and derive related Network on Chip (NoC) architecture and design ...
algorithm which operates on the network topology graph instead of the CDG. This algorithm guarantees minimality of fraction of prohibited turns that will ...
Abstract: The increasing complexity of integrated circuits and application requirements drive the research of new on-chip interconnection architectures.