To facilitate superior healthcare delivery and address current challenges facing healthcare today a plethora of pervasive e- health solutions are emerging.
Hence this exploratory study serves to investigate institutional regulatory factors that can impact the adoption of such pervasive e-health solutions. These ...
To facilitate superior healthcare delivery and address current challenges facing healthcare today a plethora of pervasive e-health solutions are emerging.
It is argued that co- regulation, a mixture of direct monitoring and intervention of regulators through legislation and complete industry self-regulation, ...
This exploratory study serves to investigate institutional regulatory factors that can impact the adoption of such pervasive e-health solutions.
Oct 22, 2024 · Hence this exploratory study serves to investigate institutional regulatory factors that can impact the adoption of such pervasive e-health ...
In this chapter, we investigate institutional regulatory factors that can impact pervasive e-health services. These factors are important as they can shape both ...
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As a consequence of this remarkable development, pervasive computing is nowadays part of our everyday and social life, and impacts our surrounding environments.
In this 4-step literature review, 40 factors were identified to be influential to health care providers' acceptance of eHealth and organized in accordance with ...
Missing: Pervasive | Show results with:Pervasive
The objective of this work was to identify requirements and barriers to adoption of pervasive sensing and computing in healthcare. To do so, the authors ...
Missing: Solutions: Regulatory Framework.