Another possible remedy is to try to complete the set of rules, using the. Knuth-Bendix algorithm [7], but this is not an efficient solution in a.
May 25, 2005 · We show how to modify rewrite algorithms by introducing a dynamic paramodulation of rules. This can be done in different ways. The related ...
Abstract. Leo-III is an automated theorem prover for extensional type theory with Henkin semantics and choice. Reasoning with primitive equality is enabled ...
Adding Dynamic Paramodulation to Rewrite Algorithms. CADE 1980: 195-207. [+][–]. 1970 – 1979. FAQ. see FAQ. What is the meaning of the colors in the publication ...
"Adding Dynamic Paramodulation to Rewrite. Algorithms", in 5th. Conference on. Automated. Deduction,. W. Bibel and R. Kowalski, eds., Springer Verlag LNCS 87 ...
Adding dynamic paramodulation to rewrite algorithms. PY Gloess, JPH Laurent ... Applying a unified object logic model to implement a strong and dynamic interface ...
The technique involves incorporating automatic transformations Into the inference process by modifying the existing unification and clashing algorithms. In ...
Adding Dynamic Paramodulation to Rewrite Algorithms ... A practical and effective solution to a problem resulting from the existence of critical pairs in a set of ...
... algorithm with narrowing. methodszD compiled rewrite ruleszD and a heuristic di ff erence reduction mechanism for paramodulation. The possi1' ility of em7 ...
Binary rewriting is a technique used to modify existing executable programs, often to insert instrumentation like profiling information or to change program ...