Image synthesis for these types of displays involves two major tasks: sampling and rendering high-dimensional target imagery, such as light fields or time-varying light fields, as well as optimizing the display parameters to provide a good approximation of the target content.
In this paper, we introduce an adaptive optimization framework for compressive displays that generates high quality images and light fields using only a ...
Image synthesis for these types of displays in- volves two major tasks: sampling and rendering high-dimensional target imagery, such as light fields or time- ...
Image synthesis for these types of displays involves two major tasks: sampling and rendering high-dimensional target imagery, such as light fields or time- ...
Jul 1, 2013 · Image synthesis for these types of displays involves two major tasks: sampling and rendering high-dimensional target imagery, such as light ...
This paper introduces an adaptive optimization framework for compressive displays that generates high quality images and light fields using only a fraction ...
Image synthesis for these types of displays involves two major tasks: sampling and rendering high-dimensional target imagery, such as light fields or time- ...
Adaptive Image Synthesis for Compressive Displays. 35 Olden Street Princeton, NJ 08544. Department of Computer Science.
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Image synthesis for these types of displays involves two major tasks: sampling and rendering high-dimensional target imagery, such as light fields or time- ...