Because the perceptual compressive sensing framework can achieve a much better performance than the legacy compressive sensing framework, ...
In this paper, we propose an innovative adaptive perceptual block compressive sensing scheme. Firstly, a new block-based statistical metric which can more ...
This paper develops a novel adaptive gradient-based block compressive sensing methodology for noisy image compression and reconstruction that can adaptively ...
Jun 6, 2016 · Compressive sensing (CS) [1] is a new signal processing technique which can simultaneously accomplish signal sam- pling and compression. It ...
Because the perceptual compressive sensing framework can achieve a much better performance than the legacy compressive sensing framework, ...
Because the perceptual compressive sensing framework can achieve a much better performance than the legacy compressive sensing framework, it is very promising ...
Because the perceptual compressive sensing framework can achieve a much better performance than the legacy compressive sensing framework, ...
In this paper, two simple methods are investigated for the block CS (BCS) with discrete cosine transform (DCT) based image representation for compression ...
In this paper, an altered adaptive algorithm on block-compressive sensing (BCS) is developed by using saliency and error analysis.
Missing: Perceptual | Show results with:Perceptual
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In this paper, we propose a novel perceptual image coding scheme via adaptive block-based super-resolution directed down-sampling. At the encoder side, ...