This paper presents a code compression strategy based on control flow graph (CFG) representation of the embedded program. The idea is to start with a memory ...
This article presents an application-sensitive code compression strategy based on control flow graph (CFG) representation of the embedded program. The idea is ...
We propose several compression and decompression strategies that try to reduce memory requirements without excessively increasing the original instruction cycle.
As a third option, saved memory space can be used to increase energy savings in banked memory architectures currently employed in some embedded systems. ACM ...
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Dec 17, 2024 · This paper presents a code compression strategy based on control flow graph (CFG) representation of the embedded program. The idea is to start ...
This is why many portable medical electronic systems operate under tight memory space constraints. To provide quality healthcare at reasonable costs, ...
Bibliographic details on Access Pattern-Based Code Compression for Memory-Constrained Embedded Systems.
Publication status: Accepted ; Journal: ACM Trans on Design Automation of Electronic Systems ; Volume: 13 ; Year: 2008 ; Pages: 60-1--30.
As compared to a large spectrum of performance optimizations, relatively little effort has been dedicated to optimize other aspects of embedded applications ...