In the current paper, we focus on CLP(H,N) programs, in which constraint systems contain uni cation constraints over the Herbrand domain (H) and nu- merical ...
The paper defines approximations for the numerical leaves of variables in CLP(H,N) constraint systems. The abstractions are based on intervals which are ...
Abstract. The paper defines approximations for the numerical leaves of variables in CLP(H,N) constraint systems. The abstractions are based.
Abstract: © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1994. The paper defines approximations for the numerical leaves of variables in CLP(H,N) constraint systems.
The paper defines approximations for the numerical leaves of variables in CLP(H,N) constraint systems based on intervals which are computed by narrowing ...
Gerda Janssens, Maurice Bruynooghe, Vincent Englebert Abstracting Numerical Values in CLP(H, N) PPDP, 1994. ... Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in ...
Abstracting numerical values in CLP(H,N). Technical Report CW189, Department of Computer Science,. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Mar. 1994. [12] J.-L ...
Б3.21.Janssens G., Bruynooghe M., Englebert V..Abstracting Numerical Values in CLP(H,N)// Lecture Notes in Computer Science-1994.-Vol. 844.-P.400-414.
We present the rational construction of a generic domain for structural analysis of CLP languages: Pattern(D#), where the parameter D# is an abstract domain ...
Kleene's theorem guarantees that: lfp Fα = Fα ↑n. I.e., we can obtain lfp Fα by applying Fα repeatedly to itself but the sequence can in general be infinite. • ...