ABSTRACT. This paper describes a music analyzing system called the automatic time-span tree analyzer (ATTA), which we have developed. The ATTA derives a ...
automatic time-span tree analyzer (ATTA), which can derive grouping structure, metrical structure, and a time-span tree based on an extended GTTM (exGTTM).
Our analyzer automatically acquires time-span trees by configuring the parameters that cover 26 rules out of 36 GTTM rules for constructing a time-span tree.
automatic time-span tree analyzer (ATTA), which can derive grouping structure, metrical structure, and a time-span tree based on an extended GTTM (exGTTM).
We developed a music analysis system called a full automatic time-span tree analyzer (FATTA), which analyzes a piece of music based on the generative theory of ...
A music analysis system called a full automatic time-span tree analyzer (FATTA), which analyzes a piece of music based on the generative theory of tonal ...
The FATTA can automatically estimate the optimal parameters by introducing a feedback loop from higher-level structures to lower-level structures based on the ...
We have been discussing the design principle for the implementation of GTTM and presented the semi- automatic generation techniques of grouping structure,.
automatic time-span tree analyzer (ATTA), which can derive grouping structure, metrical structure, and a time-span tree based on an extended GTTM (exGTTM)
Abstract. We have been developing a music analysis system called a polyphonic music time-span tree analyzer (PTTA). A time-span tree assigns a.