In this paper, we present a new automatic test pattern generator(ATPG) that generates tests for full scan circuits that min- imize heat dissipation in the ...
An ATPG technique is proposed that reduces heat dissipationduring testing of sequential circuits that have full-scan. The objectiveis to permit safe and ...
Atpg For Heat Dissipation Minimization During Scan Testing. Published in: Proceedings of the 34th Design Automation Conference. Article #:.
This paper describes an ATPG algorithm that generates tests that minimize heat dissipation during test application via scan chain. Heat dissipation can be ...
An ATPG technique is proposed that reduces heat dissipation during testing of sequential circuits that have full-scan and an ATPG that maximizes the number ...
An ATPG technique is proposed that reduces heat dissipation during testing of sequential circuits that have full-scan. The objective is to permit safe and ...
The proposed method is suitable for use in testing scan designs that employ enhanced scan. The method reduces the peak power consumption in benchmark circuits ...
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What is the abort limit in ATPG?
Techniques for minimizing power dissipation when testing combinational circuits were presented in [Wang. 941, [Dabholkar 981 and for scan circuits in [Wang 97b] ...
A new ATPG tool [10] was proposed to overcome the low correlation between consecutive test vectors during test application. Despite achieving the objectives of ...
[PDF] Inserting test points to control peak power during scan testing › research
These techniques are applicable in cases where the heat dissipation during testing exceeds the package's limit. Some design-for-test (DFT) techniques reduce ...