This paper proposes ACIC, which takes a given application running on a given cloud platform, and automatically searches for optimized I/O system configurations.
This paper proposes ACIC, which takes a given application running on a given cloud platform, and automatically searches for optimized I/O system configurations.
To address this problem, we propose ACIC (Automatic. Cloud I/O Configurator), the first tool to optimize the I/O system for HPC applications in the cloud. Given ...
[PDF] ACIC: Automatic cloud I/O configurator for HPC applications ... › paper
This paper proposes ACIC, which takes a given application running on a given cloud platform, and automatically searches for optimized I/O system ...
Dec 5, 2014 · This paper proposes ACIC, a system which automatically searches for optimized I/O system configurations from many candidates for each ...
Oct 25, 2018 · To tackle the highlighted I/O bottleneck problem in cloud, we proposes ACIC, a system which automatically searches for optimized I/O system ...
ACIC: Automatic cloud I/O configurator for HPC applications › publications
This paper proposes ACIC, which takes a given applica-tion running on a given cloud platform, and automatically searches for optimized I/O system configurations ...
ACIC: automatic cloud I/O configurator for parallel applications ... › ... › I/O
To tackle the highlighted I/O bottleneck problem in cloud, we proposes ACIC, a system which automatically searches for optimized I/O system configurations ...
ACIC: automatic cloud I/O configurator for HPC applications. M. Liu, Y. Jin, J. Zhai, Y. Zhai, Q. Shi, X. Ma, and W. Chen. SC, page 38:1-38:12. ACM, (2013 ).
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