Abstract: This paper presents a user level approach to schedule tasks generated by bag of tasks (BoT) applications on a private cloud.
Abstract—This paper presents a user level approach to sched- ule tasks generated by bag of tasks (BoT) applications on a private cloud.
In additional, our proposed job scheduling algorithm can improve the system throughput of the private cloud. It also can reduce the average task waiting time, ...
This paper presents a high level model to describe bag of tasks (BoT) applications and a framework to evaluate user level approaches to scheduler BoTs on ...
This work studies a static scheduling problem that assigns the tasks of BoT applications to VMs provided by hybrid clouds. Most existing static approaches ...
This paper presents a family of genetic algorithm (GA)-based metaheuristics for scheduling the tasks of data-intensive BoT applications on hybrid clouds. The ...
A service level agreement (SLA) is established for each order which has multiple BoT applications to be executed. The SLA specifies the due dates for BoT ...
Additionally, FaaS is considered a beneficial approach for applications that require large amount of data processing in real time as well as parallel processing ...
BISA works within a cloud (private or public) to effectively schedule the BoTs. The following variables are be used to describe the working of the BIS agent.
The scheduling of BoT applications on Grids is an important issue for achieving high performance. Grid scheduling involves a number of challenging issues, ...