In this paper, we propose a method for estimating the quality of workers by their response behavior by intentionally complicating a simple task. By doing so, we ...
This paper proposes a method for estimating the quality of workers by their response behavior by intentionally complicating a simple task and shows that by ...
In this paper, we propose a method for estimating the quality of workers by their response behavior by intentionally complicating a simple task. By doing so, we ...
this process is adaptive and iterative, worker skills are "learnt more accu- rately" and "used more appropriately" over time, ensuring gradual improvement.
These results show that speed/accuracy (or quantity/quality) decisions are influenced by the strategic inclinations of participants varying in regulatory focus.
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A trade-off between estimation accuracy of worker quality and task complexity ... estimation accuracy of low-quality workers improved. Expand. 4 Citations.
A Trade-off between Estimation Accuracy of Worker Quality and Task Complexity. More. In crowdsourcing, many people are less capable of producing quality work ...
A Trade-off between. Estimation Accuracy of Worker Quality and Task Complexity. The First. IEEE Workshop on Human-Machine Collaboration in BigData (HMData2017) ...
In this paper we focus on subjective complexity of crowdsourcing tasks, aiming at its quantification and the identification of task features that contribute to ...