This paper presents a small-sized wall climbing robot for anti-terror and rescue scout tasks, which takes advantage of a method called critical suction.
A new self-loading locomotion mechanism for wall climbing robots employing biomimetic adhesives · Engineering, Materials Science · 2013.
This paper presents a small-sized wall climbing robot for anti-terror and rescue scout tasks, which takes advantage of a method called critical suction.
Aim at the serious situations for anti-terror in the modern society, we presents a small-sized wall climbing robot using this novel adsorption method (CSM), Fig ...
This paper presents a small-sized wall climbing robot for anti-terror and rescue scout tasks, which takes advantage of a method called critical suction.
Dive into the research topics of 'A small-sized wall-climbing robot for anti-terror scout'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Sort by; Weight ...
This paper presents a small-sized wall climbing robot for anti-terror and rescue scout tasks, which takes advantage of a method called critical suction. In this ...
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A Small-sized wall-climbing robot for anti-terror scout. Proceedings of IEEE ... A miniature multi-joint wall-climbing robot based on new vibration suction ...
Wall climbing robots have been a fascination of science and research for many years now. Some use bio-inspired 'soft robotics' to create adhesion and ...
Missing: small- sized terror
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